Snapchat is that popular app (made a little less popular by Instagram coming out with Instagram stories) where you can send your friends pictures that they only see for 3-10 seconds. And then they disappear. You can also post them to your “story” where anyone can see them. You can add captions, line drawings or little pictures to your images before you send them. I’m 30-something and I use Snapchat for my scrapbooks!
When you take a photo, or pick one from your camera roll to send, you can add a caption, add drawings, etc., and then you have the option to save it. My sisters (all cooler than me) and my mom are all on Snapchat, and we have group chats where we update each other on our everyday goings-on. So, I started saving all of the random photos I sent each day.
When I showed them the first time my baby wore a ponytail (#baldbabies) I saved it to my camera roll. When I showed them how she brings me a book in the kitchen and sits on the floor waiting for me to read it, I saved it to my camera roll. When my daughter popped out her first tooth, even though I also took photos with my DSLR, I took a picture with my phone to send to them, so I saved that, too. I now have many “insignificant” (except to their doting mother) details of my kids’ lives saved on my camera roll, with a caption so I know just what they said or what was going on. And I can look at the date the picture was taken (or my software will categorize it for me) to ensure I put it in my scrapbooks in the right place. I don’t always use the photo – if I have a better one from my other camera I’ll use it, or if I just wanted the caption I’ll use the Snapchat save for reference. But it helps me write things down on a daily basis!
All of these photos taken on my phone would be much better quality taken with my DSLR. I would prefer that for my scrapbooks. But, life is busy! Sometimes my hands are full, something I’m making dinner. Sometimes I’m out an appointment and I didn’t bring my big camera with me. But I take a picture, with a caption, and it’s saved. So, that is how I use Snapchat for my scrapbooks.