My favourite things! Have you ever been to a “Favourite Things” party where everyone brings one item that they can’t live without, or just love? I love learning about what other people’s favourite things are, so here are some of mine, currently (subject to change! ;)):
- Sunrises
- Snuggles
- A clean kitchen
- My new LOOPY case
- Nutella
- Podcasts
- Boom-Chicka-Pop kettle corn from Costco
- Self-development books
- The Slight Edge – Jeff Olson
- The Miracle Morning – Hal Elrod
- The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
- How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
- Eat That Frog – Brian Tracy
- The Fringe Hours – Jessica Turner
- The 5 Love Languages – Gary Chapman
- I Am a Mother – Jane Clayne Johnson
- Wife for Life – Ramona Zabriskie
- And so many more are on my list to read…
- Lightroom for photo organizing/editing
- Soak-off gel nails I can do at home
- Watercolor painting – I’m not good but I love it!